3:30 PM to 4:30 PM Monday

     4:31 PM to 7:45 PM Monday



9:10 PM to 11:05 PM Monday

     12:30 AM to 4:30 AM Tuesday

 Page Number: 153 (in Progress)


January 16th, 2006


3:30 PM to 4:30 PM Monday Initial layout and sketch of overall page. I am trying to make this page dynamic. I am also trying to make the page count in terms of story; I don't want to draw this out too long. I would like to try to make each page convey more, have more information, more story per page. In To Save Her, I am taking my time, meandering with the characters...but PDH is very difficult and so every page needs to count for more, be more 'weighty'. The more effort required, the more each panel should count, if I want to avoid burn out.

4:31 PM to 7:45 PM Monday I am trying some new techniques with this page. For one, I am really concentrating on expressions, and attempting some more advanced eyes, lips, and mouth concepts. I am continuing my effort to put more flowing motion into everything, including hair, limbs, and body positions. Painting the hair, as always, is a total pain in the arse, but...I still believe that it really adds a lot to see every bloody strand. I forgot to use eye lines to define what is being looked at, and I think that was a mistake, but too late now. In the fourth panel, I am unsure whether I like how things turned out or not. Maybe I am exceeding my abilities there...I don't know.

9:10 PM to 11:05 PM Monday Hmmm. Looks like Fuschia is gonna bite that Omnipitor like an apple! Panel four disappoints me. I'm just not sure why. Something isn't right. I wanted hyper-real (by comparison) and I wanted sad and filled with complex emotions...but I still wanted it to look like Fuschia, and somehow it doesn't quite. I think the eyes are too wide, or maybe the cheeks...gah. I am my own worst critic. I do think the shading overall worked out so far...and CURSOR is creepy with that new face!

12:30 AM to 4:30 AM Tuesday In the home stretch...got the backgrounds and various special effects in place. Did some corrections, too: made Fuschia's hair in panel 5 blow back from the Omnipitor energies, made CURSOR translucent to define it as not physically present. I also divided the panels with white frames. I had a hard time remembering how to do the Omnipitor shining radiation effect. I toned some of the skin in various places, and added reflected shine on various surfaces too. I like how stormy panel five's background is, though! The next step is text and sound effects, then I will be finished, I think.

3:00 PM to 6:30 PM Tuesday Final cleanup of the image, and doing the text. I am hoping that the readers get that CURSOR is now speaking using white speech balloons, the same as all other characters. I am hoping that it is obvious that merging with Fuschia in order to control her has instead resulted in the development of nonselfish emotions, especially compassion and love, and that this is gradually making CURSOR more 'human', or at least humane. As with all my comic writing, I draw the images and then let the characters tell me their lines, I never know what is going to be said until it comes time to do the text. I was, as always, relieved that the pictures matched the text so well. I have no idea how this intuitive writing stuff works. I'm just glad it does. Ok, the job is done, all that remains is paging it up...and maybe doing a .gif from the original Kamishibai as a bonus.

18 hours, 35 minutes

By Jennifer Diane Reitz

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